Strategically Targeted
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Focal Point is designed specifically for strategic pricing and is an indispensable tool for efficient retail price maintenance and management. Better yet, Category/ Target Pricing™ allows you to customize your strategic pricing on a store-by-store basis quickly and easily.

Broadview is a promotion planning system that integrates all aspects of the sales promotion management process (customers, products, stores, headquarter and vendors) into one easy-to-use strategic tool. Plans and tactical decisions can be supported by historical data. Best of all, this innovative new software seamlessly interfaces with other systems.

"This is a best-of-breed type module, which typical buying/merchandising systems like Armature or Aquitec have not replicated. It is a foundation for the price optimization modules from companies like DemandTec, KhiMetrics, or KSS in which execution has been an after thought to the excellent algorithms these companies have developed."

Peter Abell, of AMR Research
Comments about Retail Vision Systems
in the Dec. 5, 2001 Alert on Retail

Retail Pricing & Comprehensive Promotion Planning Provided by Retail Vision Systems